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You are here: Home content republished doc.public politics japan publication japanSaysNo Repub-120025.bib


@techreport{Repub-120025, author = {" Akio Morita and Shintaro Ishihara "}, title = {" The Japan that Can Say No "}, type = "Re-Published Content", number = {"120025"}, institution = "Autonomously Self-Published", month = {"January"}, year = "1990", note = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}", abstract = "This is a translation of a best-selling Japanese book called \"The Japan That Can Say No.\" If you read no further in this introductory note, please at least read this: the group that has typed in and posted this translation wishes to secure for it the widest possible distribution. Please mail [this document] either in print or electronically, to colleagues, newspaper editors, members of the national and local government, academics, radio talk-show hosts, friends, and family; hand them out at work; leave piles of them by the coffee machine. Note that the book is rather short, and so can be conveniently Xerox-copied.", location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/repub/politics/japan/publication/japanSaysNo" }
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