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@techreport{DRAFT-120016, author = {" Mohsen BANAN "}, title = {" My Take on the 4 Stages of Life and Where Am I "}, type = "Draft Libre Published Content", number = {"120016"}, institution = "Autonomously Self-Published", month = {"September"}, year = "2007", note = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}", abstract = "Many cultures split life into 4 stages. With various variations these 4 stages are often labeled as: * 1- Student Stage -- 0-25 years old -- When we focus on Learing * 2- Worker Stage -- 25-45 years old -- When we are providers * 3- Stateman Stage -- 45-65 years old -- When we focus on giving back to the society (activism) * 4- Wiseman Stage -- 65--death -- When we give advice and mentor My take on these 4 stages is that activism is a way of life, not a stage of life.", location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/myTakeOn4StagesOfLife" }
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